Griffith university: gc2018 facebook live

A total of 12 Facebook live videos were broadcast during GC2018, covering the Queen’s Baton Relay celebrations at Nathan and the Gold Coast, and daily throughout the Games. Presented by Griffith journalism and PR students from the Griffith-Fairfax Newsroom WIL project, the videos were an ideal way to highlight student experiences and opportunities associated with the partnership. In addition, as Facebook prioritises live video, this format helped expand our reach and engagement for a minimal spend. My role consisted of the broadcasting strategy behind the production including but not limited to lining up presenters, writing scripts, finding interviewees and even presenting some of the broadcasts myself.

March 2018 - April 2018
Gold Coast, AUS

Reach: 226,832
Engagements: 1,977
Video View Completions: 101,765